E-mail Applications

Webmail: Roundcube

For all students and employees (except students of Faculty of Economics, students and employees of Faculty of Safety Engineering - they use MS Office 365). Access to the university mailbox.

Open Manual

MS Office 365

Microsoft Office 365 products (MS Word, Excell, etc.), cloud, mail services.

Open Manual

Bulk e-mails

Only for employees and members of SKAS - automated system for sending bulk e-mails.

Open Manual

Cloud storage: Nextcloud

For employees and students upon request. 15 GB storage, synchronization and data sharing. Ability to work on shared documents via Office Online.

Open Manual About Nextcloud

Spam folder

Emails that have been marked as spam and they have never been delivered to your inbox.
Ask to forward only the expected messages!


Fraudulent e-mails (phishing)

If you read the message with many hours delay (more than about 12 hours), we usually know about the incident and there is no need to report it to us.
